• spiceria.ch

    Damaris, from spiceria shares her secrets and recipes for a healthy, fresh and fun cooking. Tasty and colorful spices are her secret. Check out her website for all her recipes, and her latest DIY swiss breakfast recipe, illustrated with a Cereal Killer spoon :)

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  • Video: how is cutlery made?

    You don't need to be as much into cutlery as I am to learn how it is made, check out this super interesting video!!! I had no idea how cutlery was made and how much work it needed...!


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  • Trip to Berlin

    Trip to Berlin last week, what I would call successful! Discovered a new antique market, focused on big old school ladles for those yummy winter soups (at least 3 months to go peeps...) and found some cool spoons and cake servers. It was too cold to dig into those boxes full of cutlery, they were frozen! I also paid a visit to my store in Charlottenburg, spoons still in the window :) If you like one of those spoons or ladles, just email me to reserve them before they are gone! maya@thelovingspoon.net

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