The Loving Spoon Blog

  • Slow Motion Projects update

    Dear friends,
    The association Slow Motion Projects that I (and you!) support by donating 1CHF for each spoon sold has finished its project in Mongolia. They were there for 3 months and accomplished great things with the kids from Ulaanbaatar (Ulan- Bator, the capital), allowing children from poor families to build their future in a sustainable way, and learn how to preserve the nature of Mongolia.
    Here's a summary in pictures and some numbers of what they have done.
    They are now in China, working on some other amazing projects. If you want to read more and/or support them, visit their website:
    Way to go Lisa Bøunoure & Nicolas реяопу, I am so proud of you!!!


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  • Soup set as a wedding gift

    One "soup set" is on its way to Yverdon-les-Bain as a wedding gift!
    These Bülach jars are from 1915-1950 and were used to can vegetables before and during the war, to be able to store the harvest preferably for several years so it would not perish. Read more about it here :)

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  • Greenpeace International’s ‘Story Of The Spoon’

    Hello dear spoony friends,

    Tomorrow I am flying to Canada to visit my old friends from my time there (and find some spoons, who knows) (already and exactly 3 years that I moved to Zürich!), so all order placed between today and June 15th with be fulfilled when I return.
    In the meantime, check out this great video by Greenpeace "Story of the Spoon" that a friend shared with me today, with the summer and barbecue season coming up, it might give you (good) ideas... :) it is about spoons after all...!

    See you in two weeks!

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