...and I will have a little Christmas house there for 3 weeks, until December 15th. Come have a Glühwein and visit me!
Sechsenlaütenplatz, Zürich, everyday 11h-22h (Sunday until 20h).
...and I will have a little Christmas house there for 3 weeks, until December 15th. Come have a Glühwein and visit me!
Sechsenlaütenplatz, Zürich, everyday 11h-22h (Sunday until 20h).
My kind of christmas present!
Magali Riom, from Geneva, handmakes each little pouch with reclaimed fabrics to create a unique little gift pouch for your spoon, that can be reused afterwards :)
I have a beautiful story to share today:
This lady had been fighting a nasty cancer for the last couple of years, and a couple of weeks ago, she was diagnosed completely cancer-free! She ordered these spoons for all her friends who were taking turns to cook for her and her kids while she was ill, to thank them and remind them that life really is beautiful.
Dear friends,
The association Slow Motion Projects that I (and you!) support by donating 1CHF for each spoon sold has finished its project in Mongolia. They were there for 3 months and accomplished great things with the kids from Ulaanbaatar (Ulan- Bator, the capital), allowing children from poor families to build their future in a sustainable way, and learn how to preserve the nature of Mongolia.
Here's a summary in pictures and some numbers of what they have done.
They are now in China, working on some other amazing projects. If you want to read more and/or support them, visit their website: http://slowmotionprojects.org
Way to go Lisa Bøunoure & Nicolas реяопу, I am so proud of you!!!