• For each spoon sold, 1CHF goes toward the association Slow Motion Projects

    Dear friends,

    For the last year, I have been seriously thinking about donating a little part of each spoon sold to an organization or an association. It won't be huge, but if I add up 50 cents or 1CHF or so for each spoon that I sell online or at a market, it sure can make a small difference. Now, how to decide who to give this money to? a Swiss association? an international association? which cause to support? an environmental, an social, a cultural cause? where? I have often heard about big associations and organizations using the donated money to organize big parties, with unlimited champagne, have big expensive cars and the remaining money being very little from the amounts donated by people like you and me. Even if only half of it is true, I am not interested in participating in that.
    I can now say, Eurêka, I found one! My friends Lisa and Nico have created a Swiss-based non-profit organization called Slow Motion Projects whose goal is to allow underprivileged communities to Iive a better life in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. This year, they are working with local NGOs in Mongolia, China and India to create environmental education and outreach projects. They will help their local partners to reconnect kids from the Ulan Bator slums with the nature surrounding them; renovate an environmental museum and organise sustainability challenges in schools in the Yunnan province of China; and a lot more. Slow Motion Projects gives 100% of the donations they receive for developing the projects and travel to the project locations using only sustainable and local means of transportation (train, bicycle, bus and walking - no flying).
    It became obvious, that this non profit and non governmental association founded by my friends should receive this donation.
    So I am now proud to announce, that in 2016, from the price of each spoon or piece of cutlery you buy from The Loving Spoon, 1CHF will go towards helping to find these projects. They left on April 1st 2016, and I am not going to see them for a year :( unless I go visit them! But it's for a good cause :)
    Visit their website and their facebook page to follow the advancement of their projects!
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  • Next event: Les Jours Vintage in Geneva

    It's time to announce my next and first event of the season which is Les jours Vintage à Palexpo - Genève, on Nov. 13-16!
    I have been preparing lots of goodies in the past few months and i am happy to finally share them with you.
    I have a few invitations to give away, if you'd like some, just email me at maya@thelovingspoon.net with your address and how many invites you want (make sure they will be used so they are not wasted)!

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  • Spoon hunting in Berlin

    Back from a few days in Berlin, always on the hunt for more silverware, as usual! These are Art nouveau (top) and Jugendstil (bottom) sets, typically German style! (I didn't buy them because they were crazy expensive...as expensive as I sell a spoon for! but oh so pretty).

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